Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Murder Most Boring


This show is a horror-fest.  Good stories involve the battle of darkness and light; good and evil.  Hannibal seems to say that there is only evil; or perhaps degrees of evil.  That there are only prey animals and predators.  That goodness and mercy are mere artifacts of the cortex which developed around the lizard brain.  It contains a celebration of intellect without soul.  Is this a reflection of our 21st century world? 

The purported hero, Will Graham, is deeply invested in a dance of death with Hannibal Lecter.  He begins as a fragile weapon being used by the FBI to hunt serial killers.  He lives a solitary life, and loves his dogs.  Broken by his job, horrified by his own ability to see life as a serial killer sees it, he is exploited past the breaking point and thereafter tormented and manipulated by both his FBI handler and Hannibal.

There are almost no normal people in this show.  All epitomize victim or victimizer.  The pace is glacial.  The relationship between Hannibal and Will is almost overtly homoerotic.  The chess game between them involves who will live and who will die. 

The special effects and the music are expertly done; beautiful.  The actors are veterans who are excellent at their jobs.  The gore and violence are enough to satisfy the most bloodthirsty teenaged boy.  The serial killers who comprise most of the murder victims are satisfyingly evil and "deserve” to die. 

My main issue with this show is that it seems to see itself as an art film with everything but the subtitles.  Will Graham has become Hamlet.  He should either walk away or kill Hannibal.  He has been tormented by him enough that no jury would convict him, given the whole story.  That he is determined to match wits with Hannibal and bring  him to justice, or perhaps make Hannibal kill himself has become boring in the extreme. 

The only hope I have is that after all this time Will seems to have convinced Hannibal to reveal himself to the FBI agent.  And  yet, I am so fatigued by all the weirdness that I may never find out.  This is Twin Peaks with cannibalism but without the humor.  I really like Hugh Dancy (Will) but even he may not be enough to bring me back.

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